I've been an avid user of Livejournal for the better half of my life (I think I actually used DearDiary, and deadjournal at times, as well as my myspace blog often) I've had more user names then I can remember, but always thought about making one set art type blog.
Working in an office gives me quite the advantage on this blogging life. I'm online for 9 hours a day at work, and about 5 hours or so once I'm home. I'm a google-er, a wiki-er, and own a camera. Finding art everywhere is my life. During the day I'm Jack the Office Manager, answering phones, keeping the techs in check, and shipping to all over the world. But underneath it all, I'm just Jack. The girl that finds creativity the sexiest trait, and sharing with the world, an admirable lifestyle.
This blog will be just that. Finding art, making art, sharing art.. to whom ever reads this, if not for just my own enjoyment. I'll be adding pictures I find, sharing stories about things, and just leaving everything up for discussion. Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, art, anything.
And now, I just need to start posting!
Hey girl, I didn't know you started an artblog! I can't wait to see what you'll post. You've got the most amazing ideas inside your head!
Thanks honey! I'm super excited about doing this. I love to just share stuff ya know? thanks for checking it out! Miss you! <3
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