The Earth used to be covered with big big humans.
Bigger then the buildings.
Big enough to swim the oceans.
Big like the Redwoods we gape at.
Big enough to shut down the mind.
Shut down now - and listen.
The Earth was happy.
They were happy.
All of them.
They knew how to love and win.
There was peace in the beginning.
There was.
Then suddenly we came.
And things weren't happy anymore.
We have a way of making things very, very sad.
The big ones asked us to just stop.
Stop and be happy.
But we didn't listen, and kept on being mean.
So the Giants had a meeting to figure out what to do.
Because something had to be done.
They thought about burning us.
Or drowning us.
And many things they felt were not in their nature.
And this made them sad.
Because they didn't want to change.
So they decided to all go to sleep.
Because at least there in their dreams, they could still be happy.
But they promised, that if ever things got so bad that they woke.
They would surely stand again.
And they would destroy us.
They thought this was fair.
So they laid down on the Earth, pulling their blankets over them.
Their vertical shapes creating our mountains.
Their snores, our quakes.
So that is the story of the Giants, featured in my play opening tonight. The Good News, written by Jon Tracy, a dear friend of mine... I saw those pics of the sand castles yesterday, and knew that I needed to pair them with the amazing story about the Giants... More sand castle fun HERE
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