Friday, June 11, 2010

Cuz my stuffed animal *is* named Smatchymo, the trumpeter

Paula Small: What were you saying?
Brenden Small: Can we move the flowers?
Paula Small: Before that?
Brenden Small: This meatloaf is dry.
Paula Small: Before that.
Brenden Small: This is 'meatloaf'?
Paula Small: Before that.
Brenden Small: This fish is dry.
I freaking love Home Movies... Bye Bye Greasy is my favorite episode.. but they are all sooo good. My brother and I have been known to quote this show for years, and yes my stuffed puppy is named Smatchymo. I've told people before "I think i'm in like with you!" and so amused with the fact that shit show has got my humor down perfectly...
uuuugh.. genius.

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