I've been single for 8 and a half months now. Fuck. Wow. That's the longest since I've started seriously dating people. What can I say, I'm a serial monogamous, a relationship hopper. It's a good thing I've been single. I've learned a lot about myself, grew more, had a good time. But there is still this part of me that feels empty with out having someone to love. I have so much love to give. This is all rather silly, but I'm addicted to kisses. Sure I love cuddling, and everything else, but kisses are my thing.
Of course I've been re watching the first two seasons of Gossip Girl, and the whole Blair/Chuck story line is my relationship with someone. As much as we care about each other and could work, it just wouldn't, and doesn't. These past months I've been learning that more and more so it's nice to just have the friendship we have, and see how it works out on a tv show.
Meh. This is my "I'm a girl, and I miss having someone pay attention to me" post. Sure people pay attention but it's not the same as what I am craving. Casually seeing someone is nice, I had never done that before. But knowing that someone likes you, but not to the point of wanting to be just with you, sorta weirds me out at times. Granted, sometimes you date people that still see other people while seeing you. arg. Anywho lame girl post end.
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