Look ya'll, finally a real post from me! A bit of back story, I'm moving home. To Fairfield, into the house I grew up in, where my family is. This is not the normal 'I'm broke I need to move home wah wah wah.' type of move, but something that will help me in the long run. So yay! Last night I was out there visiting, and taking some of my family (and adopted family) to the Rats in the Alley improv show (I'll post about them sometime too, don't worry) and we had a great time. Drinking beer, laughing hard at the show, singing karaoke, and dancing. Once we got back to my moms we had a few more drinks and I had to get ready for bed. Driving to work from there takes almost an hour with OUT traffic, so I gotta get up early. Anyway, my mom and cousin and brother and his friends were talking election stuff (some didn't vote, some did, my mom voted and loves her McCain, which is fine by me) My sleepy self yells from the couch "I love my Obama!" and raise my fist into the air. The responce I got? My mother saying "I love that Jacqueline loves her Obama!" It's good to be passionate about something, and I really am inspired and passionate about him.
So I bring you today's post. (I know I know, shut up Jack and get to the art!) Todays post is inspired by he that inspires many.
Obama Art

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