My awesome brother David Andrew found this
Flickr site yesterday, and subsequently found the actual website for this breathtaking ball join dolls,
Enchanted Doll. Please note that most of the dolls have some nudity, so it may not be safe to check out the sites now if you are at work or whatever. But it's so worth it to check out at some point. The details are amazing (and we all know how I feel about details!)
They are all so beautiful.. Look at the tiny feet and hands! The way that they can be posed and emotions that they portray! I really wanna make one myself. Set a weekend aside and just hide out in my room or my brothers and we can work the whole time to try and make our own. I don't know how to even start, or where to start! I want a million, in all sorta of styles.
It was quite hard for me to find some pictures that showed off the beauty of these dolls, and not be too naked. :) But I'm going to go get sucked into the website for a while and check out all the different girls. So amazing! The artist is so talented it's crazy!
Big shout out to my brother for finding this and sending me the links so I could post it here! Thanks dude! <3