Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Goal

Happy Summer!

Last summer I bought a new journal to sketch in and as always, i loose inspiration and get sucked into just writing in it... which in turn, makes it too personal... especially since I wrote entry after entry about my last break up and how much that tore me up... and the resulting great friendship that came out of it...

SO, I'm looking for a smaller notebook to carry with me (and a pencil, eraser and pen) everywhere I go this summer. My phone takes great pictures... and as I'm a visual person, I can take pictures with it of things, to put into the sketchbook. I love my old journals that were image entries of my life... and how I was feeling/what I was doing... So I'm going to start again. Probably will still write in the old one... but this is my first summer after so many life changes... Single, living in Sac, mentally doing well for a while. (This will be my 5th year off meds, and I firmly believe my 5th year free of my Aug breakdown. I want to capture the world in illustrations. The world I see.

then hopefully i can scan and post some of the entries here..

in other news, it's fraking cold in my office and my head is all foggy.. meh!

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