Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Inspiration makes my heart all fluttery!

Yesterday my sister wife Gillian mentioned a project she's a part of, about having 101 goals to do in 1001 days. So today I googled it and found the website and am amazed I hadn't heard of this before!

I just created an account... and think anyone reading this should go check it out too! I'm still creating my list of goals.. some I knew in the back of my mind already. 1001 days is a while for someone like me, and enough time to accomplish my goal of painting a new self portrait, get another tattoo, finish a coloring book. Some goals are a little harder, and I was hesitant to put "fall in love" on there, but shit. It's me. I always want to fall in love.

They have so many ideas for goals that it's rather fun to read what other people are doing, and to stop and think "I WANNA DO THAT TOO!"


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