Friday, August 20, 2010

You know what.. fuck you...

I'm not good with anger, never have been. I always had the feeling that I wasn't allowed to be angry, and it's stuck with me over the years. And after everything, and 5 years of doing well I still don't know how to take it. I'm not really an angry person, when on some accounts it's justified for me to be mad.

Usually I just bottle it up. But it erupts on the inside, and causes more bad than good in the long run. But I'm learning to let it out, a little at a time. To people I trust. Right now this situation as came to a point, where I either bottle it up, or respond with everything brewing inside me for the last... oh my whole life.

I may be the Queen of passive aggressiveness.. But never to the point of actually hurting someones feelings like this. It's not in my nature. And I could of sent that message to you every day for every year I was alive. :/

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