Now, you may or may not know that reading is one of my favorite things to do. Always has been, my book shelves are full, and I have extra books packed up in both my mother's attic, and my fathers basement. It's not fair that there could be so many books in the world that I want to read, and that I don't have the time to do it.
I can spend hours in a book store, and for a while a few years back, I would just hang out every night for 4 hours or so in Boarders waiting for Todd to get off work next door. The covers are usually what draws me in. I'll read the back of any book with an interesting cover. I fall in love with the images that are used to get a point across with one glance. Crazy obsession? Yes. But I can't help it. Here are a few of my favorites.
The Virgin Suicides. I couldn't actually find this cover at the store when I bought the book, which is sad, but the one I have is still beautiful.
The Bell Jar. I've seen tons of covers for this book in my day, but I held out buying it until I found this cover. I couldn't be happier.
Babyji. I can't remember if I bought this, or if a friend gave it to me. But it's amazing and the cover... is gorgeous.