Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Day without a Gay

Gay marriage backers set "Day Without a Gay" event

By Peter Henderson

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Same-sex marriage advocates plan to "Call in gay" on Wednesday in a protest designed to show Americans how big a part of daily life -- and the economy -- gays and their supporters are.

The Internet-organized project, which follows California's passage of anti-same-sex-marriage Proposition 8, urges "Day Without a Gay" participants to skip work and volunteer in the community.

The idea is creating a controversy over how to garner support without protesters hurting their cause.

Californians struck down same-sex marriage last month, reversing a court decision that had affirmed the right. The November 4 vote stopped gay unions in California -- one of a handful of states, provinces and mostly European countries that allowed it.

After the vote, protest marches targeted U.S. temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons, who were top supporters of California Proposition 8, which limits marriage to a man and a woman. That led to a nationwide protest day on November 15.

"In order for this movement to continue it can't just be about marching and being pissed off. It's got to be creative in different ways to get into the hearts and minds of moderate voters," said creator Sean Hetherington.

The Los Angeles comedian and his boyfriend, Aaron Hartzler, put the focus on volunteering, although one of the groups behind the November 15 rallies,, urges people to shut businesses and avoid spending anything.

The protest appears inspired by the 2004 film "A Day Without a Mexican" which imagines the effect on California of a day when there are no Latinos, leading to chaos on the state.


Now, I can't participate, which sucks but I had a hard time coming into work today. I knew I had to. I knew I couldn't punish my co-workers with me being gone, since I know how they feel about the whole topic. Hell, my car is STILL covered in all my "No on 8! Love is Love!" paint. Earlier this year when San Francisco allowed gay marriages, my good friend took a picture of this graffiti art and sent it to me. (this image I actually googled up, since I'm not on my home computer to get the original image, but it's just the same, only smaller). It seems based off the poster I had growing up, with two women laying in bed kissing. Note to self: find that poster, it's very pretty.

No matter where you live, or what your opinions are on people of a different sexual orientation... You should believe in love. Love is love, and everyone should have the right to be with someone they love. I know I want the right to marry whomever I choose, man or woman.

Though I had to come into work today, I'll only give about half the effort. ;) Love!

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